Saturday, February 16, 2008


Go ahead, count your blessings. While you're doing that,

watch me convert everything you've been saying

to a sagging cartload of Florida-ready credit and start up
my own business of personalized mirages in a place
where saw-grass still creeps up through the porch-planks.

C'mon, join me in a tall-boy or two, a few sweating
aluminum delights. I have already sat with the natives
and nodded sagely toward the cicada-throbbing dusk
through the screen door, watched bats chase the street light,
handed out some wilted business cards and a few false starts.

Do you know they still spit tobacco juice down here, and talk

about snake oil versus religion? It's quaint.

C’mon, any way you look at it,

any way you cut it.

I'm with you.
