Sunday, July 12, 2009


by bourbon, by a back deck
to pace on in Brooklyn,
and by three candles
that survived the wind,
one of them guttering
in the Buddha’s plastic belly.

Friday, July 10, 2009


The black text has scorched its’ mark
and my brow folds closed like an ashen
Wednesday that never happened
and I am shunned by neighbors
and carny folk alike. I am left
to languish in moldering seaside resorts,
in penny arcades that have long since
run out of ammunition. I hide my eyes
from all that is not right before me.
To either side, shame builds a highway.

Friday, July 3, 2009


There I stand, booze-soaked and blood-sodden,
wiping the brows of my betters and laying bets
on the weather, a fever dream of absolutes.
There I am, second-guessing myself
in a shotgun wedding of best intentions
and the slow, stuttering pause.
I am to love what a spear is
to the heart, I skip a beat,
deadened and transfixed,
I am the choir of silence,
I hold it in my fist, complete.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


we wear, afraid our parents
will singe us. Bruised totems
stored beneath the skin’s surface.
The blood will rise, but who
will stand, and who will sit down?
There are tunnels that lead
to the end of your throat,
but it’s dark, and I’m afraid
to take them. I’m all for
full disclosure. You first…

Friday, June 26, 2009


When night wraps long fingers
around the wet, budding dark,
when whole floods are reduced
to a single drop left dangling,
when tree branches and the haloed moon
conspire a rough crucifix against the sky,
when the howl you hear in the distance
is either human or canine, when it makes you
feel you’ve walked miles away from yourself,
and still have not left enough behind…

Sunday, June 21, 2009


After a quick Spring rain storm,
late afternoon, the sky slate-grey,
the factory lit up angelic
in a single hymnal shaft,
the smokestack spewing
coils of pure white…

Friday, June 19, 2009


…of self split open:
Everyone wants a piece.
Like fresh fruit on the interstate,
like blood on the tracks
tracing its’ own DNA,
like the taste of old pennies
on the back of the tongue,
I expect a miracle in a salt lick,
a sword embedded in the stone
of “How do you do?”
I expect the king to be shorn
of his mane, and standing in
a line-up, to pass for me or you…
